"A Faithful Attempt" is designed to showcase a variety of K-12 art lessons, the work of my art students, as well as other art-related topics. Projects shown are my take on other art teacher's lessons, lessons found in books or else designed by myself.
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LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge, with deep respect, that I am gathered on Treaty 7 territory. I acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations. I respect the histories, languages and cultures of all the Indigenous peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our community.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Canadian Birds in Oil Pastel

I was recently asked by a colleague, who was travelling to Nicaragua, if I could get any of my students to make some artwork that he could take to a local school he was visiting. I decided to have my Grade 4's (who are super sweet and very generous- I knew they'd have no problem donating their art) make oil pastel drawings of Canadian birds. 

So the students chose their own birds from a big folder of photos I collected on my laptop. We used red and blue construction paper. I printed off a photo reference for each student. They sketched in the basic shapes first, then coloured away. 

I encouraged them to lay down the colour really thick, to mix colours, and 
to create any type of background/habitat they wanted.

I was really happy how they turned out and was sad to see them go!  


Bald Eagle - not only in America!

Canada Goose

Northern Cardinal


Snowy Owl

Belted Kingfisher

Mountain Bluebird




Red Throated Hummingbird



Sue in Oregon said...

If your friend returns with Central American bird drawings from students I hope you will be able to share them online. I am not a teacher but a grandmother who loves to share art ideas with her grandchildren. I really enjoy your blog.

Mrs. P said...

WOW! Just beautiful! I may have my kiddos try it during those cold, colorless, winter months up here in NH--what a colorful and inspiring project! Thanks for sharing! Mrs. P @ CreateArtWithMe.blogspot.net

Laura Kim said...

These are really lovely!

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