This is a project my Grade 7-9 students finished before winter break. They absolutely loved it. I'd say this is one of the most popular projects I've taught to this grade- the overall engagement was really high and all students were successful! The cool part was telling my students that Burton went to art school! He's not just a filmmaker but also and artist and he was also fired from Disney, lol!
I was inspired by the many many posts I found online; there are also a number of Youtube tutorials.
I started off by showing a video biography of Tim Burton's art and showing posters of many of his films- sadly enough, my kids had never heard of Edward Scissorhands or Beetlejuice or any of his 'older' work!! Tim Burton has a very particular aesthetic and vision; his films are quirky and dark, offbeat and sympathize with the outcast. Students were able to talk about his 'Gothic" style. So I pointed out his style of large hollow eyes, thin, gaunt figures, and overall quirkiness.
Students could draw whomever they wanted. Some made up characters, others were inspired by characters from films. A group of students did some Disney princesses which was pretty cool.
Some started off with a rough copy on white paper but most jumped into it directly onto their 12 x 18" grey construction paper.
Once the drawing was complete, they outlined all their pencil lines with a black coloured pencil (Prismacolour is the best).
They, using the same black pencil crayon, they added shading by just using lighter pressure. They used a white coloured pencil for the eyes and any areas of highlight.
Once finished, they glued their drawing onto a large sheet of black construction paper, drew a whimsical frame around it and cut it out.
Here are some finished artworks- these were super popular with staff- I didn't know how many Tim Burton super-fan teachers were at my school!
Here are the Disney characters:
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