"A Faithful Attempt" is designed to showcase a variety of K-12 art lessons, the work of my art students, as well as other art-related topics. Projects shown are my take on other art teacher's lessons, lessons found in books or else designed by myself.
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LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I acknowledge, with deep respect, that I am gathered on Treaty 7 territory. I acknowledge the many First Nations, Métis and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for generations. I respect the histories, languages and cultures all the Indigenous peoples of Canada, whose presence continues to enrich our community.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Black & White Doodle Design

UPDATE: see my updated version of this project HERE

This is a line & pattern project I've used when I needed a Substitute teacher at school. I've used it with Grades 6-8. It uses minimal materials and it's very easy for anyone to explain, plus, the kids LOVE doing this project. Having been a Substitute teacher before, I know I really appreciated it when the teacher left a straightforward yet interesting lesson that kept the kids engaged. This is one of those.

I originally saw this on the Artsonia website here, on the Hillcrest Christian High School site, but I've also seen it around the web, so whomever originated this project- thank you!

So students start off by drawing a border around their paper (I used large paper here) with a black marker.

Then they start by filling the page with doodles: lines and patterns. They can have some objects, but I encourage them to keep it fairly abstract. I also tell them no numbers or words or logos. Encourage a wide variety of lines: thick, thin, wavy, straight, etc. I keep a large laminated photocopy of a variety of lines and patterns posted on my whiteboard for kids to refer to if they need extra ideas.

Keep going until your page is filled. This took about 3 classes maybe? Warning: have a large supply of black markers, because mine dried out SUPER fast (although I think it might have been the 'absorbent' paper I chose...).  Either way, it was really frustrating for my poor kids when the markers started dying on them. Thinner paper would work better for this project, I think; just protect your tables with newspaper (if you want) as the markers go through.

Ok- nice and filled in and dense.

Then, using a compass or plastic lids, students trace a circle (or two) somewhere onto their design where they want the focal point to be. Some kids get really stressed at this stage and I hear lots of  "Miss, where should I put my circle?" I just tell them to throw one anywhere that's not in the middle- choose their favourite area to be the focal point.

Then colour in the circle with markers.

Here are some Grade 7 results.
Ta da!


Phyl said...

Gorgeous! They look like the doodles I've been doing in every class or meeting my whole life - probably typical behavior for us art teachers. I love the focal point in color - great idea. And I'm so glad you didn't call them Zentangles!

Miss said...

Hahaha! Phyl, I thought I was the only person who just doesn't get zentangles- I mean, paying for doodle patterns, really? I'm also a staff meeting or talking-on-the-phone doodler- I draw hundreds and hundreds of flowers, the same one- I've been doing them since high school!

Dolunay -Alanayarts said...

vaooov harika olmuşlar.bu çalışmalara galiba Zentangle deniyor değil mi?

Chesterbrook Academy Elementary said...

I love the variety of lines and patterns.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea to highlight a few spaces with circles and color! I am so stealing this! Thanks!

Sheena said...

THESE are amazing!!!!!

aimlesscrap said...

I did these with my grade 9 students and they turned out amazingly beautiful! The artwork is so striking up on the wall. The students have received so many positive comments. This is such a wonderful project because even the students who feel they are not talented artists felt so proud of their work. Thank you so much for sharing this!

Miss said...

Thanks everyone!
Alanay: Thanks and no, these are not zentangles!They're simply doodles from the kids imaginations.
Chesterbrook, Pat and Sheena: thanks!
Aimee: I'm so glad they turned out and I agree- it's nice to do projects that don't involve traditional 'drawing'. Starting off with projects like this helps build students' confidence in Art.

Snippety Gibbet said...

I hope you don't mind. I posted a link to this entry over on my blog for art sub lessons. jan http://artsublessons.blogspot.com/2012/01/black-and-white-doodle-design.html

Miss said...

No problem, Snippety Gibbet!

Spot of Color said...

I absolutely loved doing this project with my 6th grade students. Thank you so much for the inspiration! I've posted some of my student artwork here: http://spotofcolor.blogspot.com/2012/02/6th-grade-doodle-drawings.html

Thanks again!

Esther said...

Thanks so much for this idea! I'm leaving this project for my supply for my Grade 6 and Grade 7/8 art classes this week!!

Miss said...

Amanda: loved your students work, especially using the purple pens!

Esther- no problem! This is a great sub lesson- I'm sure your kids will enjoy making these :)

Jullister said...

I love this project, but all of the photos of the project are gone. I was hoping to see your photo of the line options for extra help, that you show the kids. I was planning on having one for my students and thought you may have some great ideas.

Miss said...

Jullister- wow- so strange. I have no idea where all the photos went! I don't have them saved anymore so can't re-upload.
You can see where I found the lesson originally here on Artsonia from the students at Hillcrest Christian School: https://www.artsonia.com/museum/gallery.asp?exhibit=123008
Lots of examples :)

Unknown said...

I wanted to let you know that I was able to copy and paste your page to a word doc. Then it showed "Error! Filename not specified." where the pictures were supposed to be. I clicked on those links in the Word doc and voila! I was able to see all of your pics!! I would be happy to email them to you, as I downloaded them to add to the document! :)

Also, I am going to attempt this with my 8th graders for their Art to Remember project. The paper is only 8x10", but hoping it will be ok! Wish me luck! This is a tough group!! :)

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