Saturday, March 19, 2022

Dutch Tulip Fields- One Point Perspective


This is a classic Spring lesson for my Grade 5's: Dutch tulip fields utilizing one point perspective. 
I'm going to mix it up a bit this year with a different theme, so stay tuned!

I found this lesson HERE on fantastic Dutch art blog "Kids Artists".

One thing the Netherlands and my Prairie Province in Canada have in common is: FLAT!! lol

I posted this lesson previously HERE so you can see all the steps.

A step a student suggested is to add further perspective by making the clouds smaller as they get closer to the horizon line. Here is Alberta, we have GLORIOUS cloud formations (that you can see for miles on the prairie)- so it was nice to add these. Grade 5 students used bleeding marker technique for these but you could use whatever you like.

1 comment:

  1. These turned out nice!
    In Holland the tulip season has started now.
    Greets from Holland,
