Wednesday, May 4, 2011

April Showers

This is a fun Spring-themed wax resist lesson I found on the Kids Artists blog

So I gave my Grade 6 students a handout showing different types of spring flowers. 
They chose one to draw nice and big on a sheet of heavy white paper.

Then, using a white wax crayon and a ruler, draw vertical lines or dashes down the page.
These will act as stylized 'raindrops'. Make sure to press HARD with the wax crayon.

Then paint with watercolours- the wax crayons lines will magically emerge- kids love this part.
I don't know why, but sooo many students chose to draw snowdrops- it was, by far,
the most popular flower.

Ta da!

I like how this student did dotted lines- she wanted a more realistic looking rain and I think it is very effective.


  1. These are very beautiful! I love the daffodils drawing! Thanks for mentioning my blog.

  2. I like the idea of the white wax crayon.
    The effect in texture is beautiful.

  3. Jacquelien- thank you for the project idea! Yes, the daffodils is my favourite as well.

    Thanks Art For Little hands and Chesterbrook!

  4. I'm always 3 years late on all my comments but my grade 4's did this project as well!

    You can see the results at Confessions of a Modern Day [ex] Substitute Teacher

