Sunday, August 4, 2024

Model Magic Seahorses

This was a project I managed to squeeze into the last week of school this past year. I realized I still had a classpack of Crayola Model Magic and wanted to use it up. So I came up with this seahorse project.
These were created by a mixed class of Grades 4-6. 
Everyone LOVED this project including the staff at my school. 

They started by drawing an underwater scene using pencils. 
Then they traced over everything with Sharpie.

They painted everything with watercolours. 
Some used a white wax crayons first to add wavy resist lines in the water.

Once dry, paint over the whole scene using liquid blue watercolours.

The next class, we watched a couple of tutorials on how to make a clay seahorse on Youtube. 
Then each student got a pack of model magic- they could mix and match with friends 
in order to get different colours. 

I had some toothpicks on hand to use a detail tools as well as googly eyes.

These all need to dry overnight- we place ours on wax paper, then they don't stick. 
The next day, I flip them over so they can dry evenly on the back as well. 
Some googly eyes fell off, so I just glued them on with a dot of white glue.


Finally, students hot glued their dried seahorse onto the background. I had lots of model magic scraps leftover, so students could make small fish to add to their artwork. 

Work from Grade 4,5,6 students.


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