Sunday, February 21, 2021

Winter White Landscape Paintings

Here is one of my all time favourite lessons- I get so excited to see each group's results when I teach this. They come out so varied and so beautiful. It's a lesson that teachers the levels of a landscape (background, middle and foreground) as well as tints (pastels). 
I posted all the steps previously HERE.

This lesson is great for where I live in Canada because it is winter for at least 4 months out of the year and we gets lots of snow! I show the kids how colours in the sky reflect onto the snow- snow is not actually white but it's shadows incorporate the light around it. 

Students find a winter landscape image online to reference- I usually print out the image.  Then they draw it onto large heavy white paper. They paint in all the main areas uses tints of one or two colours. I encourage them to keep it all very pale. Any trees or branches details will be drawn in later using a charcoal pencil. Once dry, they go over all their lines with a charcoal pencil and blend out the line for a soft shaded effect. I will say using a higher quality tempera paint brand really helps with the finished quality of these paintings. 

These are Grade 7 - 9 results:

Planet Hoth from Star Wars!!


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