Friday, February 12, 2021

James Goldcrown style Heart Collage

Street artist James Goldcrown was the artist inspiration for the Valentines themed heart collage. 
I found the project idea HERE and just switched up that artist.

Born in West London, Goldcrown is a self-taught artist/photographer now based in Los Angeles. He is most famous for his Bleeding Hearts/Lovewall murals which started showing up everywhere on Instagram back in 2015.  Here's a good article outlining his rise to success with the help of social media.

I showed Grade 4 - 6 a slideshow of his work and a short video of  his working process. Then I demonstrated how to cut the 'line hearts'. I laid out a variety of coloured photocopy paper- in brights, neons and pastels. Students chose any colour combination and could use as many colours as they wanted. 

They folded each sheet of paper into fourths and then cut those apart. 
They folded that square in half (to create a symmetrical heart) and cut a variety of sizes of hearts. 

They chose a background colour and glued all the hearts on in layers. 



  1. Do you have any information at James Goldcrown? My students have been trying to research him and not finding a lot of information. Thank you.

    Jessica Howes


    His Instagram:

