Friday, January 15, 2021

Parabolic Curve Stitching

Curve stitching is a form of string art where smooth curves are created through the use of straight lines. I did this project in school and it was pretty popular in the 70's and 80's. I taught this lesson with a Math teacher at my school so she could explain the Math concepts (my weakest subject) and I could show the craft part. This was taught to Grade 4 - 6 students.

We used embroidery string that I bought at the Dollar store. I also bought embroidery/tapestry needles (they have a large eye) for doing the sewing. 

We showed a variety of examples starting from simple to more complex. Students planned their pattern on graph paper. I find it useful numbering the lines. Other students were fine with just dots. 

Then glue stick the graph paper design onto coloured cardstock.
Punch holes through all the dots using a push pin. Then it's ready for sewing. 
The graph paper side is the back. 
We watched some slow tutorials on Youtube and the students got the hang of it very quickly!

This is what the back looks like once it's finished.