Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Weaving: Ojo de Dios or God's Eye Craft

According to Wikipedia, Ojo de Dios or God’s Eye is:

“a spiritual and votive object made by weaving a design out of yarn upon a wooden cross. Often several colors are used. They are commonly found in Mexican and Mexican American communities, among both Indigenous and Catholic peoples.”

The symbol means the power to see and understand things. I used to make these as a kid and, like many crafts, they have come back into fashion! There are tons of talented Etsy artists making very complex and large Ojo de Dios's online. 

I showed my Grade 4 - 6 students various Ojo de Dios tutorials on Youtube- this was the most efficient way to show them a few different weaving techniques they could use. We used thin wooden dowels I bought at the Dollar store. Students also embellished the ends with pony beads and/or tassels. The kids enjoyed making this- more advanced students were able to watch more tutorials and challenge themselves with more complex designs which was great. A really adaptable lesson where all kids find success :)


  1. These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing. What video did you use. Did you find one to be the best? Thanks.

  2. Thanks Amy. This is a good video for advanced students:

    Here's one for a simple version:
