Saturday, December 30, 2017

Radial Winter Landscape Collage

This is a painting/collage project using one of my most favourite versatile recycling materials: cereal boxes!  I collect these from staff students (and myself!) all year long- they come in super handy for any project needing strong but thin cardboard.

I pre-traced a circle (used a large plastic lid) on each sheet of cereal box- enough for all of my Grade 6's. Then they cut them out- HUGE surprise for me --------> many of my Grade 6's are terrible at cutting out circles- haha! Yup- some were really hacked up and the students themselves were surprised (ie: "Whoa, circles are really hard to cut out!") So they trimmed the edges as best they could and kept going :)

I put out tempera paint in a couple of shades of blue, plus white, so students could mix their own shade of a night sky. Some wanted purple so I put that out as well. Some students asked for sea sponges so they could sponge on an ombre type sky (so creative!! love my kids!)
They painted their cardboard circle with one even layer- if your tempera isn't opaque enough,
 two layers might be required.
I use Pro Art liquid tempera and LOVE it- really rich and opaque.
The circle will curl up (see photo below) but flattens as it dries.

The panting process took a whole 40 minute period surprisingly.

The next class, I pre-cut small pieces of construction paper in various shades of green.

We discussed 'stylization' and how to create 'stylized' trees using simple shapes.
I also demonstrated how to create snow using white paper and their circle as a template. They layered two sheets of paper together for visual interest and to help give a sense of space.

Students cut out their trees and glued them on top of the white paper.

Using a gold marker, they drew on the tree trunks.

Using white tempera paint and a thin paintbrush, students created a snowy sky.

Once these were dry the next day, I added white glitter to the snow because why not?!!

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