Sunday, December 9, 2012

Reindeer at the Window Collage

This is one of my favourite holiday projects to do with young students. These "reindeer looking in the window" collages were created by Grade 1 students. I've done a 'Rudolph' version as well which you can see here. (You simply substitute a red nose)

This is a good project to reinforce shapes and cutting/pasting skills.

For this project you simply need:
  • scissors
  • glue sticks 
  • large red paper for the background/border
  • blue paper
  • brown paper
  • scraps of black, white paper and any other colours the kids want

We use plastic lids to trace the heads and other lids lying about (baby food jars, glue stick lids, etc) to trace circles for the nose and eyes. The neck, arms and antlers are varying widths of long rectangles. And the hooves are simply black squares cut in half (two triangles). I demonstrate all the steps first, asking the kids what the shapes are as I go along. Once everything is glued on, they use crayons to add any details they want (pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, mouth, etc).
I always find the expressions on these so cute and funny :) !!!
As well, I find the reindeer themselves really represent/express
the personality of the student that created it.

Grade 1 results- Ta da!


  1. A very cute project.
    Your students did a great job.

  2. Great fun! Looks like the children really enjoyed doing this project! I think my hubby would love to do this....! :OD
