Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Haunted House Ink Painting Silhouette


This is a fantastic Halloween themed project that my junior high students really enjoy. 
They start by drawing a detailed drawing of a haunted house on 12 x 18" drawing paper. They can look at Victorian architecture for inspiration. Encourage them to include lots of details and accessories such as fences, staircases, pathways, turrets, trees, window details, etc. 

Once the drawing is finished, they coat the back with a dark pencil.

They choose a colour of 12 x 19" construction paper, and, using yellow or white construction paper, they glue down a large circle for a full moon. Then they tape their drawing on top, and transfer it to the construction paper using a ball point pen. We call this the 'transfer technique". 

Now you have your drawing on the construction paper.

Using India ink (poured into empty yoghurt cups) and thin brushes, students paint the entire 
picture so it looks like a silhouette.

The have to be mindful to leave thin lines between details in order for them to show up. 

This project takes my kids about a month to finish- I see them once a week for 80 minute blocks.

Some finished Grade 7-9 artworks:



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