Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Interlocking Hearts Valentine Drawing

Here's a cool Valentine's project that teachers shading skills. I've taught this to Grade 6 students the past few years and they really enjoy it. 

I pre-cut manila tagboard into small squares. Students folded them in half and drew half a heart and they cut it out as well as the center. The hearts should be at least 1 cm thick so they're not too fragile. 

Then they trace it onto 9 x 12" drawing paper. They slightly overlap the hearts and then erase the correct lines so the two hearts are interlocked. This takes a bit of practice. 

Keep tracing and overlapping the hearts until the page is filled nicely. 

The next class I showed students how to shade the hearts so they look 3D. They could shade using either pencils or coloured pencils. 

Some Grade 6 results:


  1. This is a rather cool little project. Well, at least girls will like it. It's always a big problem finding projects that boys will also like, because if it doesn't look like manga, or contains some measure of action or violence, they tend not to be interested! :-)

  2. All of my male students have really enjoyed this project! They like the challenge of interlocking the shapes and learning how to shade. They are all allowed to colour them however they want- I have many girls choose black and white values.
