Sunday, June 2, 2019

Wax Crayon Faux Batik

This is a great fool proof lesson (if you use the right paper) that yields fantastic results for all students. I've posted this lesson previously HERE.

All you need is:
photocopy paper (whatever size you like), Sharpies, wax crayons and dark acrylic paint.

Students draw a design of their choice on the photocopy paper. I encourage them to draw large, somewhat simple designs. Tiny, intricate designs don't work well necessarily with this process We're aiming for something big and bold, perhaps with simple patterns as well. f course you could give a specific theme like flowers, insects, food, etc. 

Trace over your drawing with Sharpie. We use paper placemats under our work so the Sharpie doesn't bleed through onto our tables (but if it does, hand sanitizer gets it off - aka: rubbing alcohol!!)

Then colour in the design with a thick layer of wax crayon. I have to really emphasize to the kids that the colouring needs to be thick or the paint won't resist.  It's best to also stick to only lighter colours of wax crayons. 

Once it's all coloured, the students really enjoy crumpling it up. They get all nervous and it's so cute to see! So crumple it up a couple of times. This creates cracks in the paper that the acrylic paint will stick to. Flatten it out and then scrub on some dark acrylic paint (we use blue, purple and dark red)- we use large bristle brushes to really push or scrub the paint into the paper. Sometimes watering down the paint a bit with water helps as well. Then wipe off the excess using paper towels. Work in sections and don't let the acrylic paint dry! 
The design will be revealed but will be darker and textured.
Rub off as much paint as you need- you can always go back and add more if necessary.


You can see the faux batik effect created with the paint in all the cracks. 
Creates a really beautiful textural effect. 

Some Grade 4 - 6 finished works:

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