Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Abstract Air Dry Clay Sculptures

This is a wonderful abstract lesson I saw posted on a high school art teachers Facebook group I belong to. The challenge was to create an abstracted sculpture that represents the students' soul/essence through form and colour. In the original lesson, the teacher used Amaco brand air dry clay. I just used this argile clay I found that the Dollar store and it worked well. Each student got one packet. This was taught to a Grade 8 class.

clay sculpture dried, before paint

They had a double period (80 minutes) to create their sculpture. I started off with a slideshow/discussion about abstract sculptures and we looked at works by Jean Arp.

The next class they painted their sculptures. Students needed to mix and blend acrylics- not just use one colour from the tube- I wanted a variety of shades and tints for more sophistication. We talked about colour and the moods they evoke. Once dry, I sprayed them with a gloss varnish.

This was a tricky project for my students who are definitely used to more realistic lessons from me- a lot really struggled to make an 'abstract' sculpture as opposed to a sculpture that looked like something!


  1. I like your lessons very much. I am a homeschooling parent. It would be great if you could also tell about your discussion about abstract sculptures and the moods different colors evoke.Thank you.

  2. çok başarılı olmuş öğrencilerin heykelleri.
