Saturday, April 28, 2018

Picasso-Style Cubist Portraits

This is another Picasso inspired project that my Grade 5's were quite reluctant about- not many modern art fans in that class! We completed the "Le Coq" rooster project a while back and they disliked it, called it the 'Ugly Chicken" project... Again, they weren't a fan of Picasso's Cubist portraits and cringed and said how weird they all looked when I showed them a slideshow of his work to start off the lesson. C'est La Vie!!

Nonetheless, I think they did a wonderful job with the project! I told them to make their portraits as weird and strange and unusual as possible- different sized eyes looking in different directions, splitting up the face, crazy hair, unusual colours etc. 

They drew these in pencil on black construction paper first, then coloured them in with oil pastels. Outlining with a thick line of black oil pastel was the finishing touch.