Sunday, May 24, 2015

Textural Spring Blossom Trees

This project was inspired by a art project one of my Grade 2 students gave to me. She made a charming tree with the tree trunk made from a toilet paper tube. Hers was a summer tree (green tissue paper) so we simply altered our to be Spring trees. 
This is a great lesson to reinforce the art elements of texture and form.

First off, draw some grass at the bottom of some background paper.  Use heavy paper- cardstock if possible; I ran out of light blue paper completely so ran to the office and grabbed light blue copy paper, thinking it would work fine. It was simply too thin for the project, so yeah, I strongly recommend at least construction paper or heavier :)

Grab a toilet paper tube- flatten it, and on one of the sides, cut out a little hole. Re-flatten and glue onto the background grass paper. We used white glue for strength and I had the students sit on their tree trunks for a couple of minutes to really make them stick!

Then, fill in the top of the tree with scrunched up bits of tissue paper. I set out a whole bunch of 'spring blossom' type colours.

Once the tree is filled in, students drew accessories (sun, clouds, flowers, etc) using markers, pencil crayons. oil pastels, and/or chalk pastels. We also glued on some sequins to add some sparkle to the trees. Students also added a little animal inside the hidey-hole in the tree.

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