Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Handprint Snowflakes

This was a lesson I did with my Grade 1's right before the Christmas holidays. 
I wanted something fairly simple (no paint!!) as I was knackered at that point ;)
This took about 2 - 40 minute period for all the students to complete.
All you need is white paper (regular thin photocopy paper works best), scissors and glue sticks.
Students need to trace their closed hand-print 6 times (to create a 6 pointed snowflake).
Then cut them all out (this takes longer than you might think!!). 

Fold the hand in half vertically, then cut out little shapes along the fold line.

Open it up and you have a pretty pierced paper design,

I photocopied a bunch of pre-drawn circles for the centre of the snowflake. 
I used the lid of a yoghurt container, I think. I needs to be large enough to comfortably fit 6
little kid hand-prints to be glued around it, basically,
I forgot to photograph this step, but the centre circle gets cut out, folded in half twice and cut like a snowflake as well. just don't cut the outer edge.

Glue all the hand-prints around the center circle. If you have a laminator, it's helpful to laminate these are they're fairly fragile. I used clear book cover plastic on my sample below.
Once these are finished, they're not really flat, so I flattened them underneath a bunch of heavy boards overnight.

Most students did quite well with these, but a few struggled. Those with fine motor skills had a bit of difficulty with the folding and cutting so I had to help them quite a bit.
About half the class finished these in one 40 minute period. The other half needed an extra period.

Ta da! 

An adorable hanging ornament/decoration for the kids and 
their parents to remember how small their hands were when 
they were six years old!

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