Friday, September 19, 2014

Laurel Burch Fantastic Felines

Another classic and popular Art teacher project: Laurel Burch style cats.
You can find many examples of these online- here's how my Grade 3 students made theirs:

We looked at photos online of Burch's "Fantastic Felines", as they're called. We talked about the colours and the patterns used. On 12 x 18" white paper, students drew large Burch style cats. We discussed how these cats are slightly 'stylized'. Then they outlined them in permanent black marker.

I did a short demo on how to paint carefully, to prevent bleeding, with watercolours. 
Then the kids went to town painting their cats. 
Once they were dry, some students added final details with gold markers.
For a final step, students cut them out 'bubble' style; leaving about 1/2 an inch of 
white paper as a border.

I love how they all have their own unique personality!

this is a 'ninja' type cat complete with nunchuks

1 comment:

  1. I love these! Ive done this before with second grade. We drew on bright colors of construction paper and we outlined them with glue that I colored gold.
