Friday, November 23, 2012

Snowmen Drawings

I love the little snowman on the right 'presenting' the larger one!

Little kids drawings are so adorable and charming and sweet and innocent. 
Grade 1 students made these snowmen drawings in preparation for our snowman collage project which I'll post next week. I gave very little direction for this other than having a little discussion with the kids about the different 'colours' of snow and the different sizes used in a snowman (small, medium and large). 
From there they did their drawings with pencils and coloured with coloured pencils.
I think they're all so sweet. ♥♥♥

Rainbow Snow Family!


Very advanced snowflakes!



  1. Beautiful artwork from your young ones.
    I love these snowmen.

  2. Brilliant! I think we can learn a lot from children. Our 6yo son draws without hesitation and has such freedom with his art.....and imagination!
