Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cardboard Tube Creatures: Vampire, Bat and Cat

Here's another tutorial for more cardboard tube Halloween creatures. See my original post here.
In the classroom, I would demo how to make all of these and then let student choose what they want to make.  Of course some might come up with new ideas or different ways of doing this- even better!

So for the vampire, start off with a toilet tube and push down each side of one end to form the vampires pointy ears (they have pointy ears, right?)

Then draw on a simple face and and cape/shirt.  Paint the whole vamp with acrylics or tempera.  Let dry.

Once dry, you can add smaller details with a marker. 

The bat is similar but a bit easier, so more suited to younger students.

Follow the steps above to create the ears. Paint black and let dry.

I made my wings out of scrap corrugated cardboard- but use any heavy paper you have, fun foam, etc.
I made a template first on scrap paper to made sure it fit my bat then I cut it out and painted it black.

Have students sketch out ideas for the face.

Cut out face features from coloured paper scarps and glue on. Then hot glue on the wings. Done.

Now for the cat.

Create ears and paint black.

Cut out facial features and accessoried from scrap coloured paper. Cut tail shape from scrap card. Paint.

Glue it all together. Easy!

Make them all and you'll have some fun and inexpensive Halloween decorations for your classroom!


  1. You have such a talent with the tutorials.
    I wish I could do that!

    Beautiful seasonal project.
    The vampire is my favorite.

  2. Enjoyed checking out your lessons. Really like the many connections to art from other lands/people. Pinned a few that I think I can adapt for use with my pre-K group.

  3. Thank you as always Chesterbrook!

    CountryFunMaine: thanks- yes, I really enjoy doing multicultural art projects. If I could do a whole curriculum based solely on that, I would be thrilled!

  4. I absolutely love your website! Your ideas and photos are incredible! I'm definitely getting ideas for my own art classroom! Thank you for what you do!

  5. Anonymous: thank you so much!
