Saturday, July 16, 2011

Ceramic Ornaments

This is a quick lesson I did with Grade 6 students at the end of our clay unit.  It's a good way to use up scraps of clay as well as a quick and easy project for 'fast finishers' (we all have those!)  We did these at the end of the year, but they would be really nice for any holiday crafts as well.

Simply roll out your clay...not too thin, not too thick- about 2cm.
We use small wooden boards when we use clay. I've seen other art teachers who use cut canvas/fabric. 
I'd like to try that at some point- less to store.

I bought these mini alphabet stamps sets at Michaels craft store- they were in a big $1.50 bin and had an assortment of different fonts.

Use cookie cutters (or even a glass for simple circles) to cut out your ornaments.

Smooth the edges with your finger and a dab of water.

Gently stamp your word/name. Poke a hole at the top with a bamboo stick. 

Because these are quite thin and small, they didn't need much time to dry-maybe three days? 
Bisque fire, then apply glaze, then glaze fire.  I fire to cone 06.
For different effects, you could apply a dark glaze colour, wipe it off and then paint clear glaze on top.
The dark colour will stay in the recesses of the word to create more contrast.

Below you'll see a crazy cool metallic glaze I used.  I found it in the far recesses of the art room, covered in dust- a UK glaze company: Harrison Bell.  It gave a gorgeous pewter-type glaze.  Love it!

You can add yarn, ribbon or raffia to hang these up.  You can hang them on the wall, on a door knob, on a tree branch or even attach them as gift tags to a present.


  1. Oh, my! I do love these and so will my classes! Simple but so cute and parents will like getting them! I think I'll add the year, as well.

    Thanks for the idea!

  2. Thanks Mrs. Skojec- yes, this is a very simple project- almost any grade could make these. They would make great gifts!
