Friday, January 21, 2011

Junk Mail Art

I got this great little recycling art project from A Little Hut blog:
She has all sorts of great recycling craft projects and many paper craft projects.

Because this project uses x-acto knives, it did it with a Grade 9/10 class that I completely trusted.  I always get nervous using x-acto's with students, but I always give a safety tutorial first and so far- knock on wood- I've had no injuries/cuts.

Here's how we did this project:

Cut your junk mail/flyers into a variety of thin strips. We just cut them with scissors.
  Look for flyers that have interesting colours. Use a glue stick to glue them on a piece of cardstock. 
This is just regular 8 x 11 size.

On cardstock, draw a simple stencil.  You need to include a thin border- at least 3cm or so.

Cut it out with an x-acto knife.

And then simply glue it on top of the junk mail strips!

Here are some of the work by my former Grade 9/10 class:


  1. Great post. Thank you for being a wonderful creative teacher. The grade 9 and 10 art is fantastic. I am especially drawn to the spray can and Passion.

  2. I like yours and the spider web! Gonna try it!
