Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bubble Printing Collage

Here's another post on a 'classic craft'- the humble bubble print. 
Kids love to do this, because, well, it involves bubbles of course. 
I've done this with all ages and you can get some really creative and
sophisticated artwork from it.

Here's the basic steps:

Mix up some paint (tempera or acrylic) with some water and dish soap- I just make a big batch of watery paint then experiment with adding soap until I get a good 'bubbly' consistency. 
But the general ratio is: 25% Dish Soap, 25% Paint, 50% Water

I mix a large batch and then pour it into individual cups for the students and throw in a straw.

Blow some bubbles so it comes above the container.  With young kids (Kindergarten) you have to show them how to do this properly because some inevitably always suck up the paint- not good.

Warning: this is a really messy project... just so you know.
Very drippy, but the soap makes for an easy clean-up.

Place your paper over the bubbles and gently pat down.  
I use regular printer paper.

Lift and pop any bubbles that might remain on the paper. 
Then repeat the process until the entire paper is covered with bubbles.
I've used a tiny yoghurt container, but you could use larger, wider plastic bowls and get the paper covered faster, probably.

So here's my lovely paper: this would be nice collage paper for Valentine hearts.

 Try different colours and try mixing colours as well.
 Once the paper is dry, draw on the reverse blank side- shapes, designs, anything, then cut them out and glue it to a contrasting sheet of paper for a simple collage.

Ta da!

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