Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Point Perspective Pumpkin Patch Landscape

I wanted a cool one-point perspective lesson that didn't involve the typical 'cityscape'. So Grade 6's did a farm landscape instead.  I did a brief lesson on the basics of one-point perspective.  The kids had to include a scarecrow up-close, anywhere in the foreground, and a barn, farmhouse, etc. in the far background.  Pumpkins needed to be scattered in the field in the middle ground and in varying sizes, depending on their location.  We wanted these pictures to give a real sense of 'near' and 'far'. After outlining everything in Sharpie, students outlined each 'section' in waterbased marker, then simply used  a brush to add water- this dissolved the marker and gave a subtle watercolour effect.  Chalk pastel was used for the sky.

A finished sketch done in the sketchbook to work out ideas first. Love the addition of the fence.

Then drawn on the large paper and everything is outlined in permanent marker.

Now time to colour....we used the 'bleeding marker' technique. Using waterbased markers, draw a thick outline within each shape. Then use a wet paintbrush and 'paint' it with water and it will dissolve the marker.  It creates a lovely watercolour-type wash.

Here are the Grade 6 results: Ta da!

This super creepy scarecrow, according to the footprints, has just set fire to the farmhouse!
Pyro scarecrow!

This one has two sides: evil scarecrow and happy scarecrow- so creative!!


  1. These are nice. I like them and always like seeing ideas which incorporate scarecrows.

  2. My marker isn't blending well with paint brush and water. Any suggestions?

  3. Ann: make sure you're using water-based markers (not permanent). Try maybe a much thicker outline of marker. And just do one section/area at a time- don't color the whole thing and then add water. Colour a section, then paint it with water, and keep going. That way the marker is 'fresh' and dissolves easily.

    Using smoother paper might help as well. We used Crayola markers and smooth-ish drawing paper (not construction paper).

    If none of that helps maybe you just need to try a different brand of markers if yours aren't working, but I would think any brand of water-based marker would work.

    Hope this helps!

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I'm going to feature it on my blog on Oct. 27 ( Thank you!!


  5. Hi! These are so cool! We're looking for a fun project for our 5th Graders for their Halloween party, and yours is perfect! Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  6. Thank you Squarehead Teacher and Jill :)

  7. I just love all the art! I live in the Netherlands and I enjoy every single piece of art your students made. keep up the good work. Hugs from the Netherlands . Frederique.

  8. Thank you so much for your kind comment Frederique :) Hugs back from Canada!
